OK, one last post about The Autoimmune Cure by Sara Gottfried because overall I did not love this book.

There were a few interesting points she made, but by and large, this book is written for people who have experienced trauma and want to learn if it has caused their autoimmune disease.

Aside from my post about pregnancy and autoimmunity, Gottfried does talk about some nutritional factors that can play a role in autoimmunity.

The first action she discusses is engaging in an elimination diet which I 100% agree with. The lowest hanging fruit is figuring out if something you are eating is causing the issue – easier said than done, I know. But then she goes into what she calls “nutritional modulation” which has four main areas:

#1 Nutritional Gaps

Obviously we should consider a balanced plate of macros which for most people looks something like mostly protein, a little bit of carbs, and a few tablespoons of healthy fats. But also our micronutrient intake which is easiest considered by “eating the rainbow”. Eats lots of different fruits, veggies, small fish, legumes, etc. and you’ll get there.

I am still on a prenatal vitamin too because I am breastfeeding.

#2 Poor Digestion

This one is really hard to discern by yourself. Any issue with digestion (gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation) that isn’t going away probably needs the support of a professional. Figuring out if you have microbiome or bacterial issues in your gut usually requires some testing.

#3 Toxic Backlog

Oh, microplastics. Face it, toxins are everywhere and you just basically have to do your best. Try not to use plastic. Filter your water. Try to wear organic clothing. Stop using beauty products with perfume and chemicals.

#4 Blood Sugar Spikes

If you have no sense of your blood sugar response. Just get a CGM. It’s worth the investment. To understand how your body responds to different foods and eating windows is something that is just worth knowing.

These four areas are DEFINITELY worth considering when you feel shitty. Especially if you have already gone through an elimination diet and still do not feel great.