Tag: hormone health

  • Nutritional Modulation

    Nutritional Modulation

    OK, one last post about The Autoimmune Cure by Sara Gottfried because overall I did not love this book. There were a few interesting points she made, but by and large, this book is written for people who have experienced trauma and want to learn if it has caused their autoimmune disease. Aside from my…

  • Pregnancy & Autoimmunity

    Pregnancy & Autoimmunity

    Now that I am postpartum, I have been thinking about my hormonal recovery. Well, I have been thinking about recovery in general, but my hormones have been in the back of my mind. After dealing with the immediate hormonal drop off that I felt the week after delivery, I can only imagine that my body…

  • The three things I did to get pregnant on the first try

    The three things I did to get pregnant on the first try

    Full disclosure, I still feel like it’s an absolute miracle that I was able to get pregnant so quickly at 36 years old. However, I can’t ignore the fact that I did do some very deliberate prep in order to prepare for that important moment. Maybe someday this can help other “advanced maternal age” (ugh)…